Rosemary and Laura have been life-long friends, but even they couldn't have guessed that they would each have one daughter, born just weeks apart, that would also become life-long friends. It is in their honor that the Catherine Rose Collection, Premiere Couture's specially currated selection of exquisite wedding dresses that you won't see everywhere else, was named.
(Anna) Catherine and (Marlie) Rose have grown into two of the most amazing women we know. Because they are so loved and so awesome, we are very finicky about the dresses that we attach to their names. Choosing a Catherine Rose wedding dress will not only include you in a wonderful circle of friendship, but also assures you of the most wonderful wedding dress.
And with our Catherine Rose Collection comprising more than half of our entire fabulous selection of wedding dresses, you will find them prominently featured within our store in Lush & Lovely, The Sweet Shop, and Affordable & Adorable .